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I'm Shashank Asthana

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About Me

About Me

I'm Shashank

Data Analyst

I am a Data Analyst from Gurugram, India. I am a Computer Science with Specialization in Datascience and AI undergraduate from BML Munjal University. I am passionate about data-driven decision-making, problem-solving, and uncovering insights from complex datasets. I have expertise in Excel, SQL, Python, and data visualization tools like PowerBi. I enjoy working with data to generate meaningful insights and optimize business processes. Currently, I am honing my skills and working on real-world data projects to deepen my analytical expertise.

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Place : Gurugram, India - 122505

Skills & Abilities

My Education

Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.

B.Tech in Computer Science with Data Science and AI

VIT BHOPAL University | MP

2022-2026 | Pursuing

12th | Science

Macvision Aviraj World Scool | CBSE

2020-2022 | Completed

Projects Made

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